Thursday 16 February 2017



Your office is just like your home that is away from your Home. I office you fight for your dreams and do hard work, take the pressure and your office represents your company.

Many productive offices try to make their working environment just like home. They wanted to make their employees comfortable. But the question is do they really achieve that goal? Many offices spend a huge amount to achieve this goal and the chances of success are very few. This is also a new approach for you and sometimes it also backfires. You try to increase productivity but sometimes all go in vain.

Whether you are living in the same office or looking to buy a new one here I am going to share some ideas that can help you allot, I guess!!!

The first impression is the last impression

When a visitor came for the first time in your company, what he thinks? Your office represents your company. Your office entrance should be clean and have an inviting appearance for your employees and visitors. Make sure your office reflect healthy, active and positive vibes.

Cost Effective furniture

Yeah! Your heard right, you do not need to waste your money on expensive furniture just to achieve your décor goal. You can achieve that by cost effective and convertible furniture. Many people say that they don’t have enough space in their office. Here is a solution for them. They can use convertible furniture. They can also use an office corner desk that requires less space and has everything that is required at a desk. Many people try to buy all office furniture in bulk they think this will cost them less but try to buy each furniture item one by one, and by doing this you will have a variety of options.


Only the changing the colour of your office can change the whole atmosphere. Try to use bright and happy colours and also use your brand creatively in every room. You can also add wall arts to your office and also positive quotes. Theory shows that the employees in the positive coloured office are more productive than the rest one. For colour ideas, you can visit

Proper management of paper and files

In most of the offices, employees desk are covered with files and papers. Every time when they need any document they have to struggle with that pile of all the files and papers. So make your office rule that everyone will manage their files and documents in a systematic way. This will increase productivity and also reduce the headache of finding documents. Looking for how to manage all this, Home and office organiser ( will help you allot.

The point is positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. If you choose everything positive in your office then you are definitely going to attract positive things in your office.